Lawn Party Games for Your Fall Festival or Halloween Party

Lawn party games for your Fall festival or Halloween party are a great way to keep your kids home on Halloween night.  Maybe you just don’t feel safe letting them trick or treat or you would rather have a neighborhood Fall festival.

There are people who do not celebrate Halloween for different reasons, but they may enjoy a fun Fall Festival either in their own backyard or at a local park or church.

Lawn party games for your Fall festival or Halloween party are fun for kids and adults alike. You can get some small prizes, maybe sell tickets at a fair or carnival type event to cover costs, and let the neighborhood have fun without the ghouls.

Set of 4 Burlap Potato Sacks 23×40

Set of 4 Burlap Potato Sacks:

  • 100% Natural jute burlap
  • Manufactured and shipped by LA Linen, Los Angeles, CA
  • Cleaning your burlap potato sacks , simply shake them and hang them outside. The sunlight might bleach away lighter stains and odors can air out.
  • We recommend rolling your potato sacks to prevent creases and storing them in a dry cool place.
  • Serged edge for a clean look.

Lawn Games for Your Fall Festival

Take a look at some of the lawn party games for your Fall festival or Halloween party. Maybe our kids will love to try lawn bowling, or ladder toss. This might even be the first time your kids have ever competed in a potato sack race.

Triumph Sports USA 2-In-1: 3-HoleGoSports Premium Ladder Toss GameChampion Sports Rubber Horseshoe SetChampion Sports Ring Toss SetTriumph Sports USA Tournament WasherGoSports 3 Hole CornHole WasherIndoor / Outdoor – Beach,Tailgate Golf Cornhole and LadderEgg and Spoon RaceChampion Sports Scoop Ball (SetLawn BowlingState Fair Lawn BowlingToysmith Lawn Toss GameTriumph Sports USA Toss ‘N

The Potato Sack Race

Lawn party games for your Fall festival or Halloween party are sure to include relay races and potato sack races. These are not only great exercise, they are great fun.

Set of 4 Burlap PotatoCarnival Potato Sack (1 dz)Burlap Potato Sacks (Pack ofOlympiasport Double Potato SackMinnie Mouse Potato Sack RaceBURLAP LEAP FROG POTATO SACKPotato Sack Race Game (6Learning Carpets Jumping Bags –SACKS POTATO HELLO KITTY GamesPotato Sack Jumping Bags (setChamp Sprt Indoor/Outdoor Flexible ConeWinner Medals (Pack of 12)

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