Wayne’s World Garth and Wayne Halloween costumes. Grab a fun t-shirt or costume and Party On!
When you step through the door these Wayne’s World Garth and Wayne Halloween costumes will make you instantly recognizable at the party.
On the way to party you may find your car rocking to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Be sure to have the coolest costumes by wearing Wayne and Garth Halloween costumes this year.
Wayne’s World Garth T-Shirt
Party on, Garth! This fun Wayne’s World party on t-shirt featuring Garth will be an instant hit when you go out as part of the party duo of Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World. This will make a fun part of your Garth Halloween costume.
SNL Wayne’s World Party On Garth Adult
It’s All About the Hair
To be Wayne or Garth you have to have the right hair! These Wayne’s World characters have distinctive styles. Just about everyone will recognize these beloved characters once you gab the wigs.
Wayne’s World Garth and Wayne Halloween Costumes
Do you really want to have some fun with your costume this year? Whether you are looking for a Garth Halloween costume or a Wayne Halloween costume, you can find it here! You and your friend can hit the party as singles but part of the party on crown of Wayne’s World. Remember, no matter how hard you party, no playing Stairway to Heaven even on air guitar!
Wayne and Garth
Wayne’s World Garth and Wayne Halloween Costume Accessories
If you are looking for a couple of t-shirts that are just a little different from the major marketed ones, you can check these merchants and stand out from the crowd even more.
Wayne’s World Unisex T-Shirt